Message from Healthwatch South Gloucestershire
Healthwatch South Gloucestershire is your health and social care champion. If you use GPs and hospitals, dentists, pharmacies, care homes or other support services, we want to hear about your experiences. We have the power to make sure NHS leaders and other decision makers listen to your feedback and improve standards of care. We also help people find reliable and trustworthy information and advice.
Website: Home | Healthwatch Southglos
Email: contact@healthwatchsouthglos.co.uk
Bradley Stoke Surgery Facebook Page
To be kept up-to-date with the latest practice news and useful information please like/follow us on Facebook Visit us on Facebook
Named Accountable GP for all Patients
All patients have a named GP who is responsible for patients' overall care at the practice. If you wish to know who this is, please contact the practice. The named accountable GP will take lead responsibility for the coordination of all services required under the contract and ensure they are delivered for their patients where required (based on the clinical judgment of the named accountable GP). Although patients have a named accountable GP, they can see any GP in the practice.
Shingles Aware Website
Click here to check your eligibility for shingles vaccine, which is designed to provide members of the public with educational information about shingles and the national immunisation programme.
Pneumo Aware Website
Click here to access the Pneumo Aware website, which provides information about pneumococcal disease and the national immunisation programme to members of the public with diabetes. This link will direct you to an MSD promotional website.
Mission Statement
Our mission statement is to provide high quality care to all our patients.
Practice Booklet
Please click here to view the practice booklet
(Site updated 19/03/2025)